Вводный курс по Прикладной эпидемиологии, биостатистике и программе ЭПИ ИНФО

Date and place:
June 13 – August 5, 2016 / Almaty
Number of guests:
up to 50

Under a long-term contract with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the EZS Agency conducted another Introductory Course on Applied Epidemiology, Biostatistics and the EPI INFO program. This year, training was organized for new cadets, 13 Cohorts, who successfully passed the admission exam and were successfully interviewed for a 2-year course in Applied Epidemiology. The training program was held at the CDC training center located in the Scientific and Practical Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise and Monitoring, Almaty. EZS conducted preparatory work with the participants of the course, organized their arrival and accommodation in Almaty, and subsequently provided a full package of services for the organization of the training course: production of information materials and methodological manuals, provision of cadets with books on epidemiology, statistics and data analysis, catering, transportation services in the city of Almaty, as well as visa / registration support for foreign citizens.