Тренинг «СМК в лабораториях с вопросами биобезопасности»

Date and place:
13 – 16 of September and 21 – 23 of September, 2016 / Astana, Kazakhstan
Number of guests:
up to 50

EZS Agency organized trainings for laboratory staff on routine and sentinel surveillance of influenza, representing all regions of Kazakhstan. Training in biosafety issues is important for all laboratories, because are aimed at compliance with state standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan and world standards.

The training was held in Astana. To conduct it, a coach from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was delegated to Astana. EZS provided a full package of training services: arranging the arrival of laboratory staff, hotel accommodations, catering, transportation services, selection and preparation of a conference venue with all necessary equipment, preparation and printing of materials and preparation of materials on electronic media.