Круглый стол «Пути увеличения экспортных поставок в Европейский Союз и Таможенный Союз»/Самарканд

Date and place:
April 28-29, 2015 / Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Number of guests:

For the Representative office of Chemonics EZS agency provided services for organizing  a round table “Ways to increase export deliveries to the European Union and the Customs Union”, held in April 2015 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The event was attended by more than 100 guests, including experts from Latvia, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

EZS Agency provided a full package of services for organizing the event: the purchase of air and railway tickets for foreign and non-resident participants, transportation services and hotel accommodations, preparation of a conference room with all necessary equipment, preparation and production of handouts, general coordination at the event, etc.